Issue 60: A directory of Indigenous healers, the rise of Tajín, & Chicago Bulls love us
We're back
Hey my gente,
Some personal news. This summer, I did a fun cross-country drive from Los Angeles to Brooklyn in 8 days. I have been living in California since November 2020 and decided to come to NYC for the summer, but it turns out I’ll be here for at least another few months. Would love to hang IRL if you’re around!
Besides that, it’s been a while since I’ve sent the newsletter but I’m excited to kick things off again and I’m testing a new format. As always, the focus is on celebrating Latinos and supporting each other. Let me know what you think and what else you’d like to see here!
Con amor,
Elisabeth Rosario
Articles I read this week:
NPR ALT LATINO: Celebrating the legacy of Celia Cruz (it’s the 50th Anniversary of when Celia Cruz and Johnny Pacheco made history with the release of their iconic album Celia & Johnny. This album transformed the world of salsa, becoming a turning point not only for Celia’s career but for Latin music as a whole)
Today Show: The rise of Tajín: How Mexico’s spicy, citrusy seasoning made it big in the US 30 books written by Latinx Authors to add to your reading list
Stanford Report: The Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative connects Latino entrepreneurs
Sports Business Journal: The Chicago Bulls launch a Spanish-language Instagram account
The Los Angeles Times: The ‘Latino vote’ is a myth. My road trip through the Southwest tells a more complex story
No one would trek through inhospitable terrain, far away from home, just to be a burden on a new land. My dad didn’t. His brothers and sisters didn’t. The new migrants don’t.
Sadly, more and more Latinos don’t feel this way. They want the new migrants out of here.
Internet goodies of the week:
Llapanchik Hampinakuy is a new online directory of Indigenous healers founded by two Quechua women. They’re on a mission to center and amplify Indigenous, Native, and First Nation communities and voices. Look forward to watching their growth!
When your Latino parents struggle to understand what WFH is (via Thatiana Diaz)
Puerto Rican phrases that just *make sense* (via Carlos Calderon)
When you think you’re fluent in Spanish but then you hang out with Dominicans (via JGivesBack)
Self promo! Check out my new series with the Hispanic Public Relations Association putting a spotlight on Latino PR excellence (please subscribe to their YouTube channel, leave a comment, and share!)
I appreciate you checking out this issue. Please forward this to friends or family that you think would like it. If you have news or personal shoutouts/celebrations to submit, are interested in sponsoring a newsletter issue, or want to write for us - just send me a note by replying back!